Holden Repair Manual

Download Help

How do I purchase a repair manual?

Firstly, make sure you are purchasing the correct manual to suit your car. Click the ‘Buy Now” button and use the Paypal secure server to pay via credit card or sign in to your Paypal account and pay via Paypal.

What is Paypal?

PayPal is the world leader in online payments with more than 86 million users worldwide. It allows you to send and receive money online quickly and securely to anyone with an email address. For more information about Paypal please visit their web site www.paypal.com

How can I make payments if I don’t have a Paypal account?

You can pay via credit card. Paypal provides the option of a secure payment service without having to have a Paypal account. When you select the “Download Now” button you will be taken to a secure payment screen where you can fill in your details and make your purchase.

What format are Repair Manuals in?

All repair manuals are in PDF format. If you do not have a PDF reader on your computer you can download Adobe PDF reader free from this link Adobe PDF Reader

PLEASE take note of the location you are downloading the file to and PLEASE save the repair manual to your hard drive, memory stick or cd.

How do I get my download?

Get your Workshop Repair Manual in a flash. After paying for your manual (either by Paypal or Credit Card) you will be directed to a page that has the download link. The download link will be valid for 48 hours and you will be allowed 2 attempts at download. The download link will also be emailed to your Paypal email address.

What do I do if I have a problem downloading?

If the above instructions are followed, there will not be a problem. If, however, you run into difficulty of any kind please contact us and we will send you an email with a fresh link. This has to be done manually and is usually done within 12 hours (often sooner – depending whether we are in bed or at the computer). Please include your purchase details (date item was paid for, email address used, receipt number) and what the problem is, ie closed window before clicking link, cannot open file etc.