Holden Repair Manual


We have taken care to ensure that all repair manuals are accurate however we offer absolutely no guarantees in this regard. Our repair manuals are offered only as a guide to assist with the repair and maintenance of your vehicle. It is ultimately the repairers, mechanic or handyman’s responsibility to ensure that the work, repair or maintenance complies with national and local safety regulations.

Because many variables exist regarding the quality and use of tools and materials and because no control can be exercised over the repairer, mechanic or handyman’s abilities in repairing and maintaining any motor vehicle, HRM and it’s associated companies, employees and directors take no responsibility for any losses, damage or injuries that may occur as a result of using any of our repair manuals.

Since HRM and it’s associated companies, employees and directors cannot control or be assured that proper supervision and safety equipment will be provided and used when undertaking a repair or maintenance project using one of our repair manuals, no expressed or implied responsibility or liability is assumed by HRM and it’s associated companies, employees and directors regarding any persons safety during or after undertaking any repair or maintenance projects using any of our products.